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Industrial wastewater, especially in production involving metal work, electro- and electroless plating, metal polishing and finishing, is very often contaminated with high concentrations of Heavy Metals. Whether it is a spent plating bath solution with metal concentrations of 5,000-20,000 PPM, or rinse water with only trace concentrations of metals, waste water treatment is required prior to discharge. Depending on volume and metal concentration, treatment can be continuous (when flow is high and concentration is low), or it can be done in batches (when volume is low, but concentration is high).

For continuous flow there are several methods of treatment available:

  • Continuous chemical precipitation and clarification
  • Ion exchange systems
  • Membrane systems
  • Biotreatment

Each method has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the waste stream involved.

Continuous chemical precipitation is a very simple process utilizing chemical precipitation and gravity separation of metal hydroxides. It is suitable when the composition of the wastewater is very consistent. But it is very sensitive to pH changes, changes in composition, and is not compatible with soaps or surfactants.

Ion exchange systems utilize the ability of special resins to adsorb metals from solution in ionic form at a specific pH. This process is very effective for continuous metal removal from high flow wastewater with low concentrations of heavy metals. Ion Exchange Systems allow the production of relatively small amount of wastewater with high concentration of metals (regeneration). After Ion Exchange the concentrated wastewater can be processed in a batch treater, or on electrowinning system.

In Membrane system processes a cross flow filtration method is used. Depending on the specific application Microfiltration (MF), Ultrafiltration (UF), Nanofiltration (NF), or Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes may be used. Membrane method is one of the most reliable for the wastewater treatment applications.

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. one of the world leaders in development and manufacturing of various types of membranes and membrane systems. Membrane technology is simple and reliable. Membranes separate the wastewater into two streams. One (the concentrate) contains contaminants and the other, clean water. Amrutech, Inc. is working with practically all methods and technologies available for the waste treatment, including membrane technology. Depending on type of contaminant and its volume, tubular, hollow fiber, or spiral wound membranes can be used. Our engineers develop reliable and cost–effective customized treatment processes most appropriate for client needs. Amrutech can run field pilot tests and upon successful test completion will demonstrate the developed process.