The food processing industry generates waste streams contaminated with:
Even though most of the contaminants presented in the food processing wastewater non hazardous, POTW discharge limitations still apply to them. Exceeding permit discharge limitations may result in additional discharge fees and/or citations. Amrutech, Inc. successfully developed and installed several treatment systems to treat various wastewater streams contaminated with high levels of BOD/COD, oil & grease, and TSS. These treatment systems significantly reduce contaminant levels in the wastewater produced from washing and peeling fruits & vegetables, rinse water, and cooking equipment wash water. Our technology allows recycling all or part of the treated water back to the process or use as irrigation. Wastewater can be treated to remove contaminants to levels below discharge limits. Depending on the specific application, a treatment technology or combinations of technologies are used for the waste treatment. One of the most reliable methods of waste treatment is based on the membrane technology. Membrane technology is simple. Membranes separate the wastewater into two streams. One (the concentrate) contains the contaminants and the other - clean water. Some applications are straightforward and installation of single membrane system solves the problem. But most applications are more complex and require pre - and post treatment, and sometimes a 2-nd stage membrane system. Solids removed from wastewater during treatment process can be used as an animal food. Amrutech, Inc. works with practically all methods and technologies available for waste treatment. Where applicable we use membrane technologies for the treatment of food processing wastewater. Selection of treatment method depends on the type of contaminant and its concentration. Case Study: Amrutech, Inc. has developed a treatment system for a yeast manufacturing facility. One of the waste streams, first beer, which represents about 25% of total wastewater generated during production, was contaminated with high concentrations of BOD & COD. Average concentrations in initial wastewater were high: BOD – 75,000 to 80,000 PPM, COD – 100,000 to 120,000 PPM. Amrutech developed and tested a two-stage membrane system to treat this waste stream. The developed system reduced BOD and COD concentration by 90%. These reductions allowed the client to discharge wastewater directly to POTW without incurring a surcharge, which in turn saved them money. Amrutech, Inc. has completed many installations of various waste treatment systems, including several Koch membrane systems for different wastewater treatment applications. |